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Pet of the Month: Greta


Newest singing sensation Greta knows her big break will happen any day now so she's diligently staying on top of her scales. Living with our marvelous substitute cellist Paula Kosower and her husband Justin, Greta is a rescue who's around 4 years old and ready for the stage.

Mostly Great Pyrenees mixed with a little German Shepherd, she was born to be a diva. According to Paula, "It’s interesting that we had her for well over a year before she started singing; I am not sure what triggered her interest. She definitely prefers scales, long tones and lots of resonance. She won’t settle for a bad scale as has been shown when some of my students have played scales to try to get her to sing. If she is somewhere else in the house when I play a scale she will sing from afar. She loves people food, but my husband says she really loves French fries, ahem!"

Um, hello? Who doesn't love people food and French fries? This just makes her more relatable to us regular Joes. You go, Greta! We hope, once you make it big, the world showers you with all the crunchy fried food your heart desires.

Watch below and prepare to be dazzled!

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