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Please Come to the Opera

Dear friends,

The Chicago Lyric Opera Orchestra went back to work today, rehearsing the beautiful music we love to perform. We are incredibly grateful for the positive public support from Chicago and the world. Now we have a favor to ask you.

Please come to the opera.

Come for the 50th time or the first time. Try a new opera or an old favorite. Come one more time than you normally would have attended. And bring a friend. Let’s fill this big old Civic Opera House and prove to the Lyric Opera management that opera is still relevant in the 21st century.

As long as humans have a need to hear beautiful voices. Have a need to laugh and cry. Have a need to feel part of something bigger than themselves—opera will still be relevant. Culture is what keeps us human, and we need it more in the 21st century than ever before.

And when you come to the opera house, please step to the edge of the pit and wave to the orchestra. We will smile, wave back, and perform beautiful music for you.

Sincerely, The Musicians of the Chicago Lyric Opera Orchestra

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