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Agreement Reached to Protect Individual Musicians and Lyric Opera of Chicago

The Chicago Lyric Opera Orchestra is happy to announce that the Lyric Opera of Chicago and the Chicago Federation of Musicians have reached an agreement which provides financial support and health care for the musicians of the orchestra through the remainder of the 2020/21 season. We look forward to creative collaboration in order to bring great opera to Chicago and beyond!

From the joint statement by Lyric Opera of Chicago and the Chicago Federation of Musicians:

Lyric Opera of Chicago and the Chicago Federation of Musicians local #10-208 (CFM) have reached an agreement to modify their currently existing multi-year labor agreement that extends through the 2020/21 Season. Lyric’s General Director, President & CEO, Anthony Freud, cites “Our goals are the same; to protect our individuals and protect our company through this unprecedented and volatile pandemic. We have worked collaboratively to reach mutual agreement on a compensation and health care package to provide some security for our artists in this uncertain world.” The CFM local #10-208 President Terryl Jares states, "The CFM and the musicians of the Lyric Opera Orchestra are pleased to have worked with Lyric to reach an agreement. The agreement helps our members financially in this unprecedented time, and provides a path for Lyric and the musicians to effectively collaborate on finding ways to continue to bring great opera performances to Chicago."

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1 Comment

Nov 11, 2020

Excellent news! We shall overcome.

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