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Congratulations to Our Grammy Winners!!

Lewis Kirk (bassoon), Melissa Kirk (viola), Maestro Michael Christie, Kathleen Brauer (violin), Mark Brandfonbrener (cello), and Ryan Opera Center member Christopher Kenney (baritone). Mark Fisher (trombone), not pictured, was probably doing something 'trombone-y.'

The Santa Fe Opera took home a Grammy Award Sunday night for Best Opera Recording for The (R)evolution of Steve Jobs. While we at Lyric Opera can’t take credit for the win, we are thrilled for several of our members who are also members of The Santa Fe Opera Orchestra. Maestro Michael Christie, who conducted the Grammy Award winning recording and is currently rehearsing with us for upcoming performances of La Traviata, graciously brought champagne to Monday’s rehearsal for those members involved in the Santa Fe Opera recording. At first there was much sadness in the pit when we realized our newly gifted friends were not going to share their bottles of champagne, but we were in rehearsal, after all, so professionalism prevailed. We are so happy for our friends in our pit, all of the musicians in The Santa Fe Opera, and everyone throughout the Santa Fe Opera organization on this well-deserved honor!

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